Fear of weight gain is one of the main factors contributing to the low compliance observed with HRT Clinic in Boonton NJ (HRT). Most people become less active as they age. Paying attention to your activity and trying to move more can help you maintain a healthy weight. Physical activity, including aerobic exercise and strength training, can help you lose extra pounds and maintain a healthy weight. As you gain muscle, your body burns calories better, making it easier to control your weight at HRT Clinic in Boonton NJ.The results of many accurate scientific studies show that hormonal hormone therapy does not increase weight gain.
What we do know is that hormone replacement therapy can reverse menopausal changes, i.e., regain weight around the hips and thighs. Hormone replacement therapy doesn't directly make you lose weight, but it can help indirectly. Decreased levels of estradiol, an estrogen hormone, can cause weight gain or difficulty losing weight. Other factors can also affect estrogen levels.
While it's a common belief that hormone therapy inevitably causes weight gain, available evidence suggests that this isn't true. For some women, side effects of hormone replacement therapy may include fluid retention, abdominal distension, and breast tenderness and swelling, which may be similar to those of weight gain. And hormone therapy can help you control your weight by improving sleep, which can lead to healthier lifestyle changes. BMI isn't a perfect system by any means, but it can be a good rough measure of how healthy your weight is.
In addition, keeping the weight around the hips rather than around the waist tends to be better for most women, which is an additional positive factor for HRT, as it makes clothing more comfortable and regains a physique that is often associated with youth and femininity. There are no studies or evidence to support the fact that HRT directly causes weight loss, but for many women HRT causes they feel much better about themselves. The hormonal changes of menopause tend to make women more likely to gain weight around the abdomen, rather than the hips and thighs. While hormonal hormone therapy can't help you lose or gain weight, it's an effective and proven treatment for menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, trouble sleeping, and mood changes, and more.
One of the most common reasons given by women for not starting hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is concern that it will cause them to gain weight. This anxiety is often reversed thanks to the positive impact of hormone therapy, which in turn can increase appetite and weight with the weather. Another symptom of menopause that often improves with HRT is sleep, and science states that lack of sleep can cause weight gain through the stress hormone, cortisol.