Monitoring Hormone Therapy for Transgender Women and Non-Binary People

Transgender women and non-binary people often use feminizing hormone therapy, specifically HRT replacement therapy in Edgewater NJ, to produce physical changes in the body caused by female hormones during puberty. These changes, referred to as secondary sexual characteristics, help to better align the body with the person's gender identity. This type of hormone therapy, also known as gender-affirming hormone therapy, should be closely monitored and should not exceed a few years. When monitoring HRT replacement therapy in Edgewater NJ, it is important to check for any side effects that may occur. These can include breast tenderness or enlargement, nausea, headaches, or bleeding.

If any of these side effects are present, they should be managed appropriately. Additionally, breast awareness and participation in screening mammograms should be encouraged, as well as cervical screening if appropriate for age. Hormone therapy, including androgen therapies such as testosterone, should be monitored by serum testing. However, this type of hormone therapy is not considered conventional HRT.

It is important to note that monitoring hormone therapy is essential for the safety of transgender women and non-binary people.